
you know you're a writer when...

... half of your vacation photos are taken inside bookstores.

It's been almost two weeks since the Vancouver launch of The Other Side of Ourselves, and the book is starting to show up here and there in the world, often in places I never would have expected. Chief among those, as part of a bookstore's main display (thanks to The Word Bookstore in Montreal!):

It's also popping up in other surprising places, like the McGill University Bookstore:

and at a latitude much too far North for a book written in Vancouver to handle, thanks to Brenda Schmidt's personal library:

More enjoyable than my book's appearance on bookshelves far from Vancouver (which is ridiculously enjoyable) have been the responses to the book that have begun trickling in. A heartwarming example is Daniela Elza's recent post on the book and launch.

Thank you to Daniela, and to all the bookstores and readers that are giving my little book a chance.

p.s. If you're in Toronto, you can give the book a chance next week, as I'll be participating in two readings around town (details here).


thecanadaproject said...

Congrats and again I say, congrats. My loss to miss your launch. I need your book! XRSS

daniela elza said...


Rob Taylor said...

Thanks, RSS and Daniela!